
MaxiForce Cummins COK2100/4 Engine Overhaul Kit (4BTA 3.9) (7156) (Std / Std)

Original price was: $579.00.Current price is: $100.00.

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SKU: B57244618 Category:


Product Details :

Select Cummins Applications : 4BTA Series Engines. Engine Overhaul Kit (Standard Pistons) (Standard Rod and Main Bearings). OEM Reference : Cummins N/A. Contents below.

Engine Details :

Engine Series Engine Model Engine Description Engine Data
B 4BTA 3.9 (CDC 4.390) Turbocharged Aftercooled Non-Emission
Engine Info Engine Dimensions Piston (M)
4 Cyl 239 Cubic Inch Bore: 4.02 in / 102 mm Stroke: 4.72 in / 119 mm 7156

Consists of :

Part Number OEM Number Description Qty
C3802100 3802100 PISTON KIT (STD) (B SERIES) 4
C3901170 3901170 CON ROD BEARING (STD) (B SERIES) 4
C4893693 4893693 CON ROD BEARING (STD) (B SERIES) (LOWER) 4
C3802010 3802010 MAIN BEARING SET (STD) (4B) 1
C3804896 3804896 UPPER GASKET KIT (4B) 1
C3802375 3802375 LOWER GASKET KIT (4B) 1
C3904353 3904353 FRONT CRANKSHAFT SEAL 1
C3353978 3353978 REAR CRANKSHAFT SEAL 1
C4891178 4891178 CON ROD BUSHING (B SERIES) 4
C3901306 3901306 CAMSHAFT BUSHING (B SERIES) 1
C3940059 3940059 CAMSHAFT BUSHING (B SERIES) 1

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your vehicle, engine and / or part(s) details to determine if this product is appropriate for a particular engine and / or application.

Warranty :

Maxiforce replacement parts are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal operating conditions and proper service. Warranty coverage will extend 12 months from date of installation into the engine, without regard to hours of operation, but total warranty period is not to exceed 18 months from original purchase date.

Disclaimer :

All Manufacturer’s names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference only. It is not implied that any part listed is the product of these manufacturers.

We offer extensive coverage of parts, components and accessories for many of todays most popular engines in multiple applications. But not all product we support is published here and not all product published here is always available. Please do not hesitate to contact us If you do not find what you are looking for here or if you have any concerns about the current availability of any particular product or list of products, prior to placing an order. It will be our honor to be of service to you where we are able.


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